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    3 Rules for Fitness Success

    There’s a hierarchy of importance when it comes to achieving success in your fitness goals. Without these your results will be mixed and not adopting them could even completely sabotage your efforts.

    Firstly I think it’s important to mention the problem most people face which is the confusing messaging in the industry.

    Why is this messaging so confusing? The answer is twofold. There’s so many companies and individuals fighting for a slice of the pie and this coupled with the largely unregulated state of the fitness/wellness industry results in so many outrageous claims it’s actually embarrassing. And for many of our potential customers or clients it’s just well, really confusing.

    So what should you be focussing on? What are the foundations of fitness success?

    Firstly you must have consistency.

    You must be consistent on your training schedule, on your personal record keeping, on your food and sleep – C O N S I S T E N C Y cannot be replaced with anything.

    You do not need pills, supplements, gimmicky kit, the latest trainers or indeed sign up to the newest gym.

    The easiest way to achieve a basic level of consistency is to put stuff on your schedule – you already have business meetings, calls, family commitments and more on it and you should also have your training times and reminder notes. These notes should be around what to eat, what time to begin your daily wind-down, to drink more water, to remind yourself how much you love your family etc. It is easy to forget many of these things so remind yourself!

    Secondly you must be organised – you can be organised but without consistent application that won’t matter. So after consistency comes organisation. And I know some very consistent individuals that weren’t particularly organised but got there in the end.

    I can not speak more highly of the importance of note keeping especially for your exercise. By recording weights lifted, hours of fasting, food consumed and in more macro terms what days you will be doing what lifting and HIIT sessions, by being this organised you will also help increase your consistency.

    So set up a schedule for your lifting and HIIT, your sleep hours, fasting and nutrition. If you write it down it will usually happen, if you don’t it usually won’t.

    O R G A N I S A T I O N must be a conerstone of your fitness.

    Finally you must acquire knowledge. Ongoing education is crucial for all of us in all of our lives. If we’re not learning we’re not growing. If you have a job that you can do in your sleep or one that simply does not require ongoing education or personal development take it upon yourself to increase your knowledge of the single most important component of your life – your health. Invest in you and reap the biggest reward in your life – health is indeed wealth.

    K N O W L E D G E is the single most valuable thing you will ever own. And it’s everywhere if you look. There are many sources of knowledge and your challenge is to look for it, find it, verify it and use it.

    Once you bring consistency, organisation and knowledge together there will be no stopping you! The luckiest people I know are the ones that have worked the smartest -> specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

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    3 Rules for Fitness Success

    There’s a hierarchy of importance when it comes to achieving success in your fitness goals. Without these your results will be mixed and not adopting them could even completely sabotage your efforts.

    Firstly I think it’s important to mention the problem most people face which is the confusing messaging in the industry.

    Why is this messaging so confusing? The answer is twofold. There’s so many companies and individuals fighting for a slice of the pie and this coupled with the largely unregulated state of the fitness/wellness industry results in so many outrageous claims it’s actually embarrassing. And for many of our potential customers or clients it’s just well, really confusing.

    So what should you be focussing on? What are the foundations of fitness success?

    Firstly you must have consistency.

    You must be consistent on your training schedule, on your personal record keeping, on your food and sleep – C O N S I S T E N C Y cannot be replaced with anything.

    You do not need pills, supplements, gimmicky kit, the latest trainers or indeed sign up to the newest gym.

    The easiest way to achieve a basic level of consistency is to put stuff on your schedule – you already have business meetings, calls, family commitments and more on it and you should also have your training times and reminder notes. These notes should be around what to eat, what time to begin your daily wind-down, to drink more water, to remind yourself how much you love your family etc. It is easy to forget many of these things so remind yourself!

    Secondly you must be organised – you can be organised but without consistent application that won’t matter. So after consistency comes organisation. And I know some very consistent individuals that weren’t particularly organised but got there in the end.

    I can not speak more highly of the importance of note keeping especially for your exercise. By recording weights lifted, hours of fasting, food consumed and in more macro terms what days you will be doing what lifting and HIIT sessions, by being this organised you will also help increase your consistency.

    So set up a schedule for your lifting and HIIT, your sleep hours, fasting and nutrition. If you write it down it will usually happen, if you don’t it usually won’t.

    O R G A N I S A T I O N must be a conerstone of your fitness.

    Finally you must acquire knowledge. Ongoing education is crucial for all of us in all of our lives. If we’re not learning we’re not growing. If you have a job that you can do in your sleep or one that simply does not require ongoing education or personal development take it upon yourself to increase your knowledge of the single most important component of your life – your health. Invest in you and reap the biggest reward in your life – health is indeed wealth.

    K N O W L E D G E is the single most valuable thing you will ever own. And it’s everywhere if you look. There are many sources of knowledge and your challenge is to look for it, find it, verify it and use it.

    Once you bring consistency, organisation and knowledge together there will be no stopping you! The luckiest people I know are the ones that have worked the smartest -> specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

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