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5 tips for a leaner you!

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    5 tips for a leaner you!

    5 tips for a leaner you!

    Getting lean is a universal goal for many people, men, women, younger, older, for sports or for the beach it doesn’t matter, everyone wants to lean up.

    Excessive weight characterised by high bodyfat is a major concern for many men and women not only for the aforementioned reasons but as we get older, for health reasons too. There are direct associations with being overweight and disease and generally as we age, we also get heavier.

    What if I shared with you 5 simple fixes you could start doing today that would immediately start the process of getting leaner and lighter? Would you do them?

    I share a lot of valuable information on this blog, if you’re a regular reader I’m sure you would agree. So I have a request of you, please recommend my blog to 3 friends. I am trying to increase my reach, I’m more inclined to share more stuff with more people reading it so please go ahead and post my blog to social media, send out an email to friends or however you see fit. Thank you.

    What are these 5 miracles people can do to lose weight and get leaner?

    #1. For 1 week don’t eat bread, rice, pasta or noodles. A big ask for many but the issue with these foods is they’re generally nutritionally inert (insert laughing face emoji). The only real purpose they serve is to make your pancreas work harder and that ain’t a good thing. They may create a sense of fullness but this is also achieved with eating other food types, green cruciferous vegetables are a good example.

    #2. Try to exercise on an empty stomach a.k.a in a fasted state. There’s plenty of solid research proving without a doubt mobilising fat as a fuel is far easier if you haven’t got food in your stomach. The food companies have done their best to discredit this research with their own stuff, which proponents of 5/6 meals a day will wheel out in counterarguments but the reality of research is you can make an argument for anything if you try BUT the proof is in the pudding (don’t eat them, either). Training in a fasted state has worked for my clients for years and years without exception. If you haven’t tried it before take plenty of water with you to consume regularly through your session. Don’t let your mind defeat you. Just do it, like the adidas catchphrase used to say ..

    #3. Remove that comfort drink you always go to for 1 week. All of us have that little drink, that extra whip latte, iced tea with we know way too much sugar, the coffee with 2 sugars, the orange juice (that has as much sugar as a coke), that “healthy” smoothie (that sadly is really just a liquid dessert) etc etc.

    #4. Do some regular, fast repeat, cardio training. Ok so “fast” is relative, right? What’s fast for me may not be very fast for Usain Bolt and what is fast for an unfit 60 year old may not be fast for me. Gait is one of the fundamental movement patterns men and women can engage in, we call it walking and running so if we practice it, why not maximise this time by eliciting a positive hormonal response. This is done by doing maximal sprints at a 1 to 1 rest to work (run) ratio. We really wake up muscles, our nervous system, our cardiovascular system, we get a major physiological response engaging in this type of exercise. Plus, we also use a lot of energy helping us lose weight and get leaner.

    #5. My old favourite, reduce your portion sizes of food and drink for 1 week. That’s right. Halve your food for a week and scale down your weight, guaranteed. Remember to weigh yourself before and after to confirm my tried and proven formula.

    ” I usually drink a couple of beers or glasses of wine with my pasta on a Wednesday so this week it’s 1 beer/glass of wine and a half portion of pasta”.

    Try it, you will be amazed. Don’t forget this is EVERY day for a week.

    There you go, 5 easy fixes for definite weightloss for all of you. I am a weightloss expert, I’ve been having success doing this for a very long time. So you’d expect me to be trim, 6 pack abs, strong and pretty fast (around a tennis court) and all that at 56.

    Yeah, you’d be right.

    Please remember to share my blog with your friends, they’ll thank you for it I’m sure!

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    5 tips for a leaner you!

    5 tips for a leaner you!

    Getting lean is a universal goal for many people, men, women, younger, older, for sports or for the beach it doesn’t matter, everyone wants to lean up.

    Excessive weight characterised by high bodyfat is a major concern for many men and women not only for the aforementioned reasons but as we get older, for health reasons too. There are direct associations with being overweight and disease and generally as we age, we also get heavier.

    What if I shared with you 5 simple fixes you could start doing today that would immediately start the process of getting leaner and lighter? Would you do them?

    I share a lot of valuable information on this blog, if you’re a regular reader I’m sure you would agree. So I have a request of you, please recommend my blog to 3 friends. I am trying to increase my reach, I’m more inclined to share more stuff with more people reading it so please go ahead and post my blog to social media, send out an email to friends or however you see fit. Thank you.

    What are these 5 miracles people can do to lose weight and get leaner?

    #1. For 1 week don’t eat bread, rice, pasta or noodles. A big ask for many but the issue with these foods is they’re generally nutritionally inert (insert laughing face emoji). The only real purpose they serve is to make your pancreas work harder and that ain’t a good thing. They may create a sense of fullness but this is also achieved with eating other food types, green cruciferous vegetables are a good example.

    #2. Try to exercise on an empty stomach a.k.a in a fasted state. There’s plenty of solid research proving without a doubt mobilising fat as a fuel is far easier if you haven’t got food in your stomach. The food companies have done their best to discredit this research with their own stuff, which proponents of 5/6 meals a day will wheel out in counterarguments but the reality of research is you can make an argument for anything if you try BUT the proof is in the pudding (don’t eat them, either). Training in a fasted state has worked for my clients for years and years without exception. If you haven’t tried it before take plenty of water with you to consume regularly through your session. Don’t let your mind defeat you. Just do it, like the adidas catchphrase used to say ..

    #3. Remove that comfort drink you always go to for 1 week. All of us have that little drink, that extra whip latte, iced tea with we know way too much sugar, the coffee with 2 sugars, the orange juice (that has as much sugar as a coke), that “healthy” smoothie (that sadly is really just a liquid dessert) etc etc.

    #4. Do some regular, fast repeat, cardio training. Ok so “fast” is relative, right? What’s fast for me may not be very fast for Usain Bolt and what is fast for an unfit 60 year old may not be fast for me. Gait is one of the fundamental movement patterns men and women can engage in, we call it walking and running so if we practice it, why not maximise this time by eliciting a positive hormonal response. This is done by doing maximal sprints at a 1 to 1 rest to work (run) ratio. We really wake up muscles, our nervous system, our cardiovascular system, we get a major physiological response engaging in this type of exercise. Plus, we also use a lot of energy helping us lose weight and get leaner.

    #5. My old favourite, reduce your portion sizes of food and drink for 1 week. That’s right. Halve your food for a week and scale down your weight, guaranteed. Remember to weigh yourself before and after to confirm my tried and proven formula.

    ” I usually drink a couple of beers or glasses of wine with my pasta on a Wednesday so this week it’s 1 beer/glass of wine and a half portion of pasta”.

    Try it, you will be amazed. Don’t forget this is EVERY day for a week.

    There you go, 5 easy fixes for definite weightloss for all of you. I am a weightloss expert, I’ve been having success doing this for a very long time. So you’d expect me to be trim, 6 pack abs, strong and pretty fast (around a tennis court) and all that at 56.

    Yeah, you’d be right.

    Please remember to share my blog with your friends, they’ll thank you for it I’m sure!

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