I have published an eBook and you can download it in the link below. Within the book is a strategy for losing 1-2 kgs in 7 days with a clear explanation on why it works.
I have been coaching people for over 20 years in the fields of nutrition and exercise. My Masters is in the science of these 2 disciplines. I am constantly upgrading my knowledge and I am always trying to improve my existing clients and even old clients that I still keep in touch with.
I count ex-clients among some of my best friends.
Every little piece of advice, every intervention I have ever designed and implemented and every time I speak about the subjects I do so because I am 100% about offering the knowledge I have acquired to anyone wishing to hear it. I guess in summary I am at service to people on their fitness and health lifestyle journeys. And I take what I do very seriously. There is always time for a laugh, a diversionary discussion or even one about the matter in hand but ultimately it’s about being focussed, progressing and moving my clients towards their goals.
It became clear to me a number of years ago that in terms of energy creation humans function on a very basic level. We eat and use the food as fuel or we store it. Following from this, in so called “developed” countries our access to food is at unprecedented levels. Food is available 24-7, in our fridges and cupboards, supermarkets and fast-food home delivery services. Food chemistry along with creating long-life foods for supermarket shelves, an ability to keep foods colourful and making them more flavourful with greater texture and more, much more has also created foods that can bypass your satiety hormones.
That’s correct your body doesn’t literally know when to stop eating because the foods are being modified/created to not trigger fullness. And I am sure you would be aware that chemical alterations of food to make it look more attractive, taste better and not fill you up can’t really be good for you. And you are right.
Once we start understanding that we are tricked into eating too much we can appreciate that to lose weight we need to eat less. We won’t die, after all. This is why people can do water fasts for weeks on end, I don’t recommend them for everyone but like a lot of things in life, trying to do something new just adds to your experiences in this realm we are in. My clients usually do at least 1 or 2 36 hour fasts and they all survive and the feedback can be very interesting.
I have discussed function in many posts. Proper function in all areas of physiology from movement, to energy development, to cognitive performance, to gut health and many more is key. As humans we have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and for most of that time we have not had fridges, supermarkets nor 24 hour food delivery – so we adapted to irregular food availability.
We know the body renews itself when we sleep, when we aren’t moving about, when we aren’t eating, usually through the night. For a reason that science has yet to pinpoint the human body will do some remarkable work on itself when we are in an extended fasted state. A cleaning and renewing function!
Regrowth of brain cells, increased levels of mitochondria, autophagy, decreased inflammation and better blood sugar levels are some of the benefits, there’s a great quick to read article HERE. The biggest and most exciting benefit from 24-48 hour fasts is the large increase in growth hormone (GH), something I have posted about previously.
GH builds muscle and burns fat. We ALL should be very pleased to train to elevate GH and that’s my gameplan for me personally and all my clients but by not eating for a period, we can boost it even more!
My challenge to you is to start a 7 day fasting process. If you already do IF (intermittent fasting) try doing a 24 hour or even 36/48 fast. If you’re new to this idea then play around with IF, there’s a great video HERE on IF. You will get hungry of course but that is temporary and as they always say, “nothing tastes as good as slim!”
Whether you do 7 days of IF or IF with a couple of longer fasts you will lose weight! GO FOR IT!