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Think and Grow Food

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    Think and Grow Food

    Think and Grow Food

    I’m on a roll with the Napoleon Hill book, Think and Grow Rich, something I read many years ago and a book title I’m now plagiarising for all it’s worth.

    In this post I’m going to prove to you that the more effort you put into in considering your food choice’s, the greater benefits that will be gained. I am guessing you probably know this but are you aware of the consequences of NOT putting more thought into what you eat?

    In life we’re constantly beholden to behavioural patterns embedded into us at young and very impressionable ages. Our parents or caregivers that have us under their guidance from when we’re born until around 7 years of age, largely don’t know it but are programming many of our thoughts and actions and of course, all of the consequences that result from these behaviours. And for the majority of us we will adopt many of them for the rest of our lives.

    And if these embedded actions are not subsequently serving us in our adult lives psychologists and psychiatrists then pick up hundreds of millions of dollars in fees deconstructing events that led to these behaviours. Hopefully this will then lead to amazing discoveries and the subsequent discarding of the negative behaviour.

    “Your (father/mother) does that too, you’re just like him/her”. This applies in too many situations to describe and I’m sure you can relate.

    Nutritional behaviours are very high on the list. If Mum or Dad had a penchant for a particular food, only ate at a certain time of the day or night, would always have a particular type of drink with specific foods and other habitual behaviours these were easily taken up by their children. It’s just natural for this to happen.

    Once adopted, the ritualistic nature of humans and how we relate to food would continue the cycles and soon enough the consequences of the habits would surface.

    Among these consequences obesity ranks highly but other food related medical conditions are also prevalent. Diabetes and heart disease also being high on the list.

    If you are unsure of my claim around your habits regarding food and your parents role in this, I invite you to sit back and reflect on some of your early memories of your family and how many of them involved food. I think you will realise I am right!

    In other posts I’ve written extensively about the role of mass produced and highly processed foods. They’re a blight in the lives of modern men and women and this is just the supermarket stuff. The fast food industry is now frankly a disgrace with how they source, produce, transport and prepare the so-called “food” that people eat.

    We are what we eat and if we eat very poorly then our bodies will reproduce badly. You may or may not realise that our cells are constantly repairing and regenerating and what do they use in these processes? Nutrients from the food you eat and from what you drink.

    There’s no way people will be healthy if they’re not closely monitoring their food choices. It sounds like commonsense advice but do you do it? Have you ever done an exercise where you journalled your food and drink and did due diligence on it?

    I’m constantly amazed at the number of professional people, the type that record every cent they earn and spend, that are experts in their fields, that consult to kings and prime ministers that couldn’t tell me what they ate yesterday. Could you? Is this important? Reread the previous 2 paragraphs.

    In the crazy times we’re in many are examining a lot of the components of their lives. Well, some are, some just can’t wait to, “travel again” or go to a concert, no matter what they have to do to qualify. Others are thinking more about life choices and decisions.

    Food means life and the quality of food strongly correlates to the quality of health one enjoys. Growing your own food may seem rather odd to some but to others, this is how they create security for themselves and their families. It may mean leaving the city and finding a patch of land or it could simply be a small garden in the yard with some chickens running around.

    In some countries there are abundances of different wild growing fruit, coconuts, papaya, oranges, apples, berries and any number of other edible plants.

    Thinking about these things, reading up and hatching plans of the B and C variety is always a worthwhile endeavour because you just never know when the time may come to put one into action.

    The bottom line is unless you truly understand the role of the food that you consume and are paying attention to the quality of it you are heading into a life of constant medical conditions, illnesses, diseases and premature death. Take control of your life as it relates to your health status by attaching more importance to your food and drink. In this way you will age much more comfortably, have more energy for sports and for life in general and most importantly, be much less likely to fall ill.

    And start growing your own food, it may even create a great hobby that is healthy for you and your family plus reduce your reliance on commercially farmed produce.

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    Think and Grow Food

    Think and Grow Food

    I’m on a roll with the Napoleon Hill book, Think and Grow Rich, something I read many years ago and a book title I’m now plagiarising for all it’s worth.

    In this post I’m going to prove to you that the more effort you put into in considering your food choice’s, the greater benefits that will be gained. I am guessing you probably know this but are you aware of the consequences of NOT putting more thought into what you eat?

    In life we’re constantly beholden to behavioural patterns embedded into us at young and very impressionable ages. Our parents or caregivers that have us under their guidance from when we’re born until around 7 years of age, largely don’t know it but are programming many of our thoughts and actions and of course, all of the consequences that result from these behaviours. And for the majority of us we will adopt many of them for the rest of our lives.

    And if these embedded actions are not subsequently serving us in our adult lives psychologists and psychiatrists then pick up hundreds of millions of dollars in fees deconstructing events that led to these behaviours. Hopefully this will then lead to amazing discoveries and the subsequent discarding of the negative behaviour.

    “Your (father/mother) does that too, you’re just like him/her”. This applies in too many situations to describe and I’m sure you can relate.

    Nutritional behaviours are very high on the list. If Mum or Dad had a penchant for a particular food, only ate at a certain time of the day or night, would always have a particular type of drink with specific foods and other habitual behaviours these were easily taken up by their children. It’s just natural for this to happen.

    Once adopted, the ritualistic nature of humans and how we relate to food would continue the cycles and soon enough the consequences of the habits would surface.

    Among these consequences obesity ranks highly but other food related medical conditions are also prevalent. Diabetes and heart disease also being high on the list.

    If you are unsure of my claim around your habits regarding food and your parents role in this, I invite you to sit back and reflect on some of your early memories of your family and how many of them involved food. I think you will realise I am right!

    In other posts I’ve written extensively about the role of mass produced and highly processed foods. They’re a blight in the lives of modern men and women and this is just the supermarket stuff. The fast food industry is now frankly a disgrace with how they source, produce, transport and prepare the so-called “food” that people eat.

    We are what we eat and if we eat very poorly then our bodies will reproduce badly. You may or may not realise that our cells are constantly repairing and regenerating and what do they use in these processes? Nutrients from the food you eat and from what you drink.

    There’s no way people will be healthy if they’re not closely monitoring their food choices. It sounds like commonsense advice but do you do it? Have you ever done an exercise where you journalled your food and drink and did due diligence on it?

    I’m constantly amazed at the number of professional people, the type that record every cent they earn and spend, that are experts in their fields, that consult to kings and prime ministers that couldn’t tell me what they ate yesterday. Could you? Is this important? Reread the previous 2 paragraphs.

    In the crazy times we’re in many are examining a lot of the components of their lives. Well, some are, some just can’t wait to, “travel again” or go to a concert, no matter what they have to do to qualify. Others are thinking more about life choices and decisions.

    Food means life and the quality of food strongly correlates to the quality of health one enjoys. Growing your own food may seem rather odd to some but to others, this is how they create security for themselves and their families. It may mean leaving the city and finding a patch of land or it could simply be a small garden in the yard with some chickens running around.

    In some countries there are abundances of different wild growing fruit, coconuts, papaya, oranges, apples, berries and any number of other edible plants.

    Thinking about these things, reading up and hatching plans of the B and C variety is always a worthwhile endeavour because you just never know when the time may come to put one into action.

    The bottom line is unless you truly understand the role of the food that you consume and are paying attention to the quality of it you are heading into a life of constant medical conditions, illnesses, diseases and premature death. Take control of your life as it relates to your health status by attaching more importance to your food and drink. In this way you will age much more comfortably, have more energy for sports and for life in general and most importantly, be much less likely to fall ill.

    And start growing your own food, it may even create a great hobby that is healthy for you and your family plus reduce your reliance on commercially farmed produce.

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