Being the first of the month it gives me the opportunity to recap February and have a good look at March.
In Feb I reactivated my blog and began posting again and got some traction. I have a lot of important information and experience in living and helping others live a healthy life, these being categorised into rest/sleep, exercise, eating/IF and the Brain Game!
A recent post I published gave a bunch of hacks that can be easily implemented and that will give great results around weight loss! If you didn’t see it check it out here.
I think I have a small audience that I certainly would like to grow so if you have enjoyed my first few posts please do share them! As I do have a small audience please also comment on what subjects within the 4 categories you would like me to post about and I will do my best to answer!
I am a coach that takes a very wholistic approach to my profession. Just like isolating muscles with a machine that will only train that muscle and in some ways only address that part of your body, I prefer to take an approach that views the human body as a single, homogenous unit.
We know that if we restrict, by injury or some other type of incapacitation a limb or joint our body will adapt to the restriction (or “compensate”) by loading in other areas. We see this play out in sport frequently when a player comes back from an injury too soon and gets reinjured in another area compensating for the lack of contribution by the still injured/unrehabilitated part of the body. Hamstrings and calfs are usually most susceptible, one is weakened by injury and not healed or working at full capacity yet, the other has to provide additional support and is overloaded and as a result, it fails too.
When addressing growth, when wanting to make life gains in fitness and health, we need a global approach. One that incorporates all previously mentioned categories because in doing so we get a well-rounded response from our single, homogenous unit being the human body – YOUR human body!
In a prior post I talked about our hormonal system, the neuroendocrinology of humans and the vital part of the picture it plays in keeping us alive, functioning and optimal. Like everything in the human body, food plays the key role in reproducing quality components, the quality of our food and water is directly proportional to the quality of hormones we produce. And of course contaminants whether water or food based will always interfere in quality production.
From Wikipedia – the neuroendocrine system is the mechanism by which the hypothalamus maintains homeostasis, regulating reproduction, metabolism, eating and drinking behaviour, energy utilization, osmolarity and blood pressure.
So neuroendocrinology is responsible for a lot of function, reproduction, stress mitigation, human development being 3 and lastly, “food intake and homeostasis”.
Without a quality hormonal environment we can forget sleeping well, processing food optimally and reducing fat storage.
This is why organic food is so important and why finding and drinking water with a pH of 7-7.5 is vital.
So what are food contaminants and how do we eliminate foods with the greatest amount of these – I have to say it, meats are the single most contaminated food you will find. Animals are biological experiments, all sorts of chemicals from phosphates in grain feed, injections of hormones and steroids and drugs in feed (for “health” reasons) means meat is highly contaminated. Obviously if you find an organically farmed animal or one farmed in a traditional sense minus the chemicals (I would say not easy to do) then that is ok.
But screwing with your hormones with a large amount of contaminants is a bad idea, a very bad idea. So is eating poorly in the first place.
So many questions and so many topics, over to you!